Dr. Bertrand Martin, psychiatrist, Ayurveda graduate in India

Shirodhara at home for the whole family and your friends

Symptoms of Insomnia

All of us have difficulty getting to sleep at some point in our lives. Though an occasional period of sleep disruption doesn't necessarily warrant a visit to the doctor for an insomnia diagnosis, when the symptoms listed bellow become severe enough, they result in serious health problems. Each person experiences insomnia differently. The following symptoms indicate possible insomnia:

  • People with insomnia may have trouble falling asleep. This can mean lying in bed tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep for long hours.
  • Sometimes a person may go to sleep without a problem but wakes in the early hours of the morning and is either unable to go back to sleep, or drifts into a restless unsatisfying sleep. This is a common symptom in the older persons.
  • Because of this they do not start the day refreshed from a good night's sleep. They feel tired.
  • Sometimes sleeping patterns are reversed and the individual has difficulty to stay awake during the day and has to take frequent naps.
  • The quality of sleep is just as important as the quantity of sleep: some types of insomnia causes a disrupted deep sleep, leaving people tired even though they have no difficulty falling asleep. This is also the differentiation point between people with insomnia and people who need less sleep.
  • A person with insomnia feels grouchy, sleepy, or anxious, and is unable to get things done during the daytime.
  • Mood alteration is the most common and visible symptom of insomnia. Due to sleeping disorder people feel uncomfortable in both physically and mentally. This leads to frequent changes of mood with angriness, irritability, laziness, constant search for energy boosters and other’s help and Sympathy.
  • Normally when the sleep breaks during the night, the mind starts racing with thoughts.
  • Again, anyone can experience these symptoms of insomnia periodically. Better practice yoga, Shirodhara and other house hold insomnia regular treatments may solve the problem.