Cristalmind Shirodhara, portable and automatic device

Shirodhara - The Ancient Indian wellbeing technique

Shirodhara is a relaxation therapy, part of Ayurvedic Medicine.

During a Shirodhara session, a patient lying on his back receives a regular flow of a lukewarm liquid which runs on the centre of his forehead and stimulates it. This flow induces a deep state of physical and mental relaxation as well as a feeling of wellbeing.

The traditional method usually uses oil.

However, oil presents some disadvantages:

  • oil is expensive; oil impregnates head, hair, table, towels etc;
  • hygiene is hard to maintain;
  • the container must be filled regularly oil temperature is inconstant;


  • it requires a special table of massage with an oil collector;
  • an assistant must be present to fill up the container; all this handling causes disturbances;
  • lastly, in Occidental World, a session is expensive and costs between 60 and 100 $ US.

With the Cristalmind Shirodhara, these disadvantages disappear. The liquid used is clear water. Temperature is maintained constant by a thermostat. The device is automatic and autonomous.

The initial inversion is minimal. The sessions are free of cost.